This article is for the all the job-seekers out there applying for the job or waiting for their interview dates. I am myself an HR Recruiter in one of the Top HR Consultancy in Delhi - SEEK HR Solutions Pvt. Ltd., providing top manpower solutions at PAN India level.
Here I present few very useful tips for you all to mug up before appearing for any job interview to win your dream job
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1. Do Your Homework - Before applying to any job opening read the job responsibilities carefully and figure out what the employer is seeking in a candidate, do you fit in and whether the opening is your type or not. This will serve as an advantage as you can visualize the type of qualities and person best suited for the job and you can project the same at the interview.
Study about the company’s profile, nature, background, operations, and recent activities. Plan out how you can apply/utilize your skills for the position applied, this will help you in answering to the most asked ques. - Why should we hire you? Study their website and other social activities, frame some suggestions and appreciations.
This will really turn your status from unprepared to prepare.
2. Dress to Impress - Going for an interview? Strive to adopt a professional appearance and grab some formals from your wardrobe. Take proper care of what you choose to put on and it should be clean, ironed, and appropriate and should look graceful while keeping it simple. Avoid funky attire, bright colors, jewelry or accessories (keep it to a minimum).
Men should keep their beard clean. Your hair should be neat, clean and conservative, for girls it should be tied or at least manageable the idea is to look polished.
This will contribute to your first impression.
3. Be On/In time, Prepared and Confident - Try to reach the interview venue on time if not in time. Well, on time is when you reach exactly at the given time and in time is when you reach before the given time. Therefore make sure to show up 10 - 15 mints prior (not too early) to bring the positive image that you are responsible and serious about the position.
Go prepared - As discussed in point 1, in addition to it always carry your work samples, updated CV (hard copy and soft copy both) and other required documents.
I meet candidates coming empty hands for the interview and ask to get a copy done which for me is not a good etiquette.
Talking about confident when you come prepared and suited booted that confidence ultimately comes from within and reflects in your eyes and also in your way of talking or interacting.
4. You Get only one chance to make your First Impression, Make it a good one. - It is said that your interview starts right from the moment you step in. Watch your steps, make smart moves. Whether in the waiting area, while greeting someone, the way you sit or carry yourself remember you are being judged. Don’t get conscious or nervous just play cool. Be polite and soft-spoken regardless of somebody’s position. For an interviewer, it takes merely 7-8secs to judge a candidate and as they say, the first impression is the last impression so break it or nail it. Smile and greet with a firm handshake.
5. How your responses should be? - The key to success is the quality and delivery of your responses. Your goal should always be authenticity, responding in an honest and truthful way to the questions, Present your responses in a way that showcase your skills, expertise, experience and fit with the job and the employer. Provide attractive examples of solutions and accomplishments but keep your responses short and to the point.
6. Body Language - They say actions speak louder than words. Confidence level, dressing well, preparing the answers in advance alone won’t bore the result without good body language. So give no chance to the Employer to not hire you. Here are few effective forms of body language like smiling, eye contact, be an active listener, nodding, hand movements while speaking, solid posture.
What to Avoid?
Slouching, looking away during a conversation, playing with a pen, fidgeting in a chair, playing with/or managing hair time and again, touching your face, chewing gum, or mumbling.
7. Making the interview a two-way street - According to latest studies, it is revealed that employers judge an interviewee’s interest in a job by seeing that whether the interviewee asks questions or not during the interview process. Thus, even if the hiring panel was thorough in their discussions about the job opening and what is expected, you must ask few questions. This shows that you have done your research and that you are serious about the opening. A smart interviewee always studies the organization prior to the interview and prepares insightful questions to ask, adding any additional queries that might arise during the interview.
8. Be a good salesman - You are the product executive and the product you are selling to the Employer is your ability and potential to win the opening, fulfill the organization’s requirements, take on the responsibilities, and contribute to the goals. Showcase yourself at the best. Listen and respond to the questions in the best possible manner.
9. Make your last move, Send a Thank You letter- Be courteous, the significance of thanking your interviewers rather each person who has assisted you throughout or at some time at the interview should come as no surprise. Thank you with a smile of gratitude with some kind words before you leave. Make sure to write and send a thank-you email or note soon after the interview. Though this will not give you the job offer, doing so will certainly give you an edge over any of the other applicants who didn’t consider sending the thank-you letter.
We are the top hr consultancy in Delhi, and always ready to help you. You can come to our place and get more information regarding all this.
Author: Jaspreet Kaur
Do you know what questions are going through the minds of your potential employers as you sit down for an interview or how to sit during an interview They’re probably thinking, “Can this person do the job? Don’t be a nervous interviewee because every employer wants to hire someone who can get results and deliver them on time. And always prepare for the question “what do you hope to gain from this job”.