Sunday, 12 November 2017

How To Hire The Right Candidate?

Which candidate should you hire? Who has that potential to be successful on the job? Well hiring the best for your organization is quite a complex and complicated task, making the decision of to whom to join you on board, I am working with one of the leading recruitment firm based in Delhi - Seek HR Solutions, Provide manpower solutions since 2008 and this article includes various tips which I have observed and learned from my experience to help you in Hiring the best.

1. Job description, Write better Job description. Critically analyze the JD - responsibilities, tasks, nature of the job. Try to look beyond, think what personality/behavior/attitude is required for the particular position or the job profile.

If you're not careful, the way your job posting is written can deter candidates. Many organizations write descriptions with lists of responsibilities and requirements, but a study by researchers in the United States and Canada found that this can alienate qualified employees, The Wall Street Journal reported.
In the study, researchers rewrote 56 job ads to emphasize two different approaches: the Needs-Supplies approach, which focuses on what the organization can do for the candidate, and the Demands-Abilities approach, which focuses on what the organization expects from the candidate. Of the 991 responses, applicants who responded to Needs-Supplies job listings were rated higher than those who responded to the Demands-Abilities job ads.
Focus equally on what your organization can do for potential employees, and you'll attract candidates who better fit your requirements.
2. They say learn from your mistakes. Be willing to reassess your methods of advertising and start over if the pool hasnt yielded an outstanding candidate. Finding the right candidate for the job is well worth spending the time it may intakes
Take the time to evaluate and learn from your past hiring processes and the decisions you made. Have your hires succeeded? Why? If not, what could you have done differently? Choose the right source for recruiting and
3. Involve personnel from the same department or with same job profile in the Interview & Selection process -  Individuals with intimate knowledge of the job are often better equipped to evaluate and assess the skills and knowledge of the applicant which will definitely be helpful in selecting the right candidate.

4.Enhance and update your Interview Process - Generally Interviewer focus on candidates experience and their technical expertise whereas giving no or very less weight to other factors which are as important, such as Attitude - towards work, colleagues, temperament, teamwork.

Our institute is the Best HR Consultancy in Delhi. We are the upgrowing recruitment firm and helpful for our clients.

Prepare questions in order to judge their knowledge, personal skills and which would reflect their thoughts and view point.

For example    - Who are you going to be 10 years from today?
  - What motivates you in your work? ,
  - How you plan your day or how you prioritize things?
  - What do you do to keep yourself updated and innovative in your work? etc.

5. Focus on accomplishments too not only on experience. Ask them how they achieved them and figure out how they mastered their roles in past.

6. Avoid the charisma trap. The most charming and eloquent candidate is not necessarily the best person for the job. Some people possess good physical attributes but lack in terms of knowledge / soft skills like interpersonal skills, communication skills, thought processes and emotional intelligence because they matter." On the other hand, some might not have a presentable personality but their knowledge and skill overshadow the short comes.

7. Whenever feasible, give some task or test to judge the candidates skill, knowledge and attitude towards the task of the screening process - Not only theoretical knowledge ensures a candidates capability to work at a particular position but also the practical knowledge required to carry out job responsibilities. So it is essential to put some task or a short project in an interview to test his/her practical knowledge so as to judge how well the candidate can apply and customize the theoretical concepts to various organizational situations according to the need.

8. Conduct reference calls to check the facts and information provided by the candidate, with previous supervisors and colleagues.

So, I hope the one reading these tips will find them helpful in improving their Hiring Process. Happy Hiring!

Writer: Jaspreet Kaur

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